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2 Installation

2.1 How to obtain KSendFax

KSendFax hopefully becomes a core application of the KDE project (but I don't hope on this anymore as they seem to have other tastes).

KSendFax can be found on and (maybe) on the main ftp site of the KDE project

2.2 Requirements

In order to successfully compile KSendFax, you need at least the KDE 2.x.x libraries and development environment. To run the program it is only necessary to have the runtime libraries installed. All required KDE libraries can be found on

For scanner support you need a program as xsane installed or if you want to use the building scanner support you need the SANE libraries to be present on the system.

For certain features inside the program (as Preview) you need the convert program from the ImageMagick packages.

You have to install a fax-package to be able to really send faxes, which has a command for sending a fax, such as HylaFax, E-Fax or mgetty+sendfax.

2.3 Compilation and installation

In order to compile and install KSendFax on your system, type the following in the base directory of the KSendFax distribution:

./configure; make; make install
Since KSendFax uses autoconf you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the the author at Jürgen Vigna

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Jürgen Vigna[May 16 2002]